Throwback Thursday: Seattle vs. Coachella
This was originally posted on V1 of HotChicksColdBeerBlog in May 2012. We’re bringin’ it back as a nod to the upcoming festival season, and a beer called Heineken, which is still served in near exclusivity at concerts and events all across the country. Enjoy.
Last weekend, I went to Coachella.
For those who aren’t aware, Coachella is a three-day, multi-genre concert bender, with performances by some of the biggest names in music, cameos from celebrities and a signature boho-chic style profile. (Click here for a cool, “History by Line-Up”). Sounds glam, right?
Well, mostly.
What’s not known to many first-timers, is that the location of the concert (Indio, CA,), is essentially, a desert. How hot does it get in the desert? Here’s a story problem to illustrate.
Q: Coachella concert-goer, Katie, spends approx eight hours on the festival grounds each day. She drinks an average of six, 12oz. bottles of water and three, 16oz. beers a day. The average temperature of this three-day event is is 108 degrees. Assuming Katie shares very little of her precious water and beer with her friends, how many times will Katie have to visit the Port-o-Potty corral over the course of the festival?
A: Three.
Think about that for a second. Three times……In three days?
It was so hot, that I (moving out of third person) sweat-out pretty much every liquid that went into my body, almost immediately. Leading me to believe that it’s not so much the TYPE of beer you drink at Coachella that’s important, but the unique, and awesomely sweaty experience in which you find yourself drinking it.
A strange juxtaposition to the Seattle grounds on which this blog was founded, and here’s where my mind went with that…..
Enter, the first (and only) HCCBB City vs.Festival Beer match-up! First round: Seattle vs. Coachella……
Round One, Buy your beer.
In Seattle: Endless on-tap options, consumption locations and price points.
At Coachella: One option, Heineken. $9. Available in one of three beer gardens.
Round Two: Drink your beer.
In Seattle: In the bar of your choosing, the comfort of your own home or in Kerry Park at 2 a.m. after all other legal establishments are closed. Not that I’ve done this, just sayin’….
At Coachella: In the beer garden, AKA, “The get to know ya zone.” Were you’re either waiting in line (shoulder-to-shoulder), navigating around people sitting in the grass who already have beer (sometimes too much), or balancing on the one-cheek’s worth of seat space left on the nearest table/bench/friend’s lap.
Round Three: Taste your beer.
In Seattle: Taste is based (rhyme time!) on your selections in rounds one and two. But if you’ve chosen well, this experience should include the warm-belly feeling that only comes from drinking beautiful beer, in a space that affords the use of both your southern cheeks.
At Coachella: Taste? Come on now. I love beer, but the only beer at Coachella is Heiney and Hieney Light. (Does anyone even like this beer?) What’s important about these options, whatever they tastes like, is that they’re cold, foamy and is less expensive that the alternative, $11 vodka cocktail. In Seattle, Heineken wouldn’t show up on this blogs “recommended,” list, but in Coachella, it’s number one.
Winner of the HCCBB Festival vs. City match?
Coachella. Hands down, by a long shot, times infinity
Part of enjoying beer, is enjoying the experience of the beer-drinking occasion. Like hotdogs at baseball games, a frosty beer in the desert just seems right. And regardless of brand or brew, the occasion makes Coachella beer taste like the icy-cold tears of Jesus. Coupled with the gluten-free woodfire pizza you bought from the organic food tent next door – there’s simply nothing better. But for music fans, Coachella beer, whatever brand, is just icing on the music-layer cake. And if I still haven’t convinced you, remember, Coachella is also the music festival of the stars. That girl rubbing elbows with you in line for a drink? She might actually be someone worth getting close to (see picture below). Gotcha!

Emma Roberts hangin’ in the Main-Stage Garden. Shout-out to my friend, Sang, who, upon spotting the celeb, bee-lined over, and bro-approached, by engaging her friend, instead of her. Asking, “Is that Emma Roberts?” To which the guy responded,….”Yep!”
And Now, a Recommendation
I’m taking some liberties with my recommendation based on the premise of this week’s post (I haven’t tried the product yet) BUT whoever’s in-charge of beer vendors at Coachella, would be wise to give these guys a call. If this stuff is as amazing as it sounds, it may just replace traditional suds as the ultimate desert/music combination.
Connecticut-based, Brewer’s Cow has combined two of my favorite things into one product: Beer-infused ice cream.
Three The Brewer’s Cow! flavors are currently available for order online: Black & Tan (made with Guinness); Bavarian Beer Brittle (Samuel Adams); and Ten Penny Beer Nut Parfait (Ten Penny Ale). A new option of Chocolate Truffle Stout (with Thomas Hooker Stout) is promised soon. Each is crafted with New England dairy and promises a thick, creamy, malty flavor.
Though no alcohol remains in the final product, these treats are perfect for making beer floats (post on this coming soon). A six-pack-o-pints will run you $67 (plus shipping), so don’t make it a habit, but a slew of reviews say it’s worth the price. Mom or Dad’s day gift, perhaps?
What’s the next big thing in beer hybrids? Let us know your idea for the next, “doesn’t exist, but it should,” beer +combo.